Monday, January 17, 2011

Next year is now!

Will we ever see the chicago cubs go to the world series and win a championship!? With me being a long time cubs fan I know I want to see it so bad but its frustrating with the moves the make for the team all the time and they don't work! What's even more frustrating is that the Flordia Marlins who has been in the Majors for about 20 years have two rings, what is that! On another note I think its out fault as fans because we sell out wrigley every game even if there not playing good and the owners see that. That makes them not want to put the efforts toward to building a championshipl. What you think?


  1. It won't happen for ANOTHER 100 years!!! Unlike the White Sox of course...!!! LOL

  2. lol...dont make me laugh with this title of this blog haha!! i hooooooooope it happens but arghh!!!! 103yrs and counting...
