Thursday, July 5, 2012

Nash a good fit for the Lakers?

Steve Nash going to the lakers is for sure an upgrade at the point guard position that the lakers hasn't had since the Nick Van Exel days and some people probably forgot about him also. With that said, Kobe has never really played with a player who is at their best when there controlling to the ball the whole time. People said Lebron and Wade wouldn't work but it did because they wanted a ring and more, so i think with time Nash and kobe will figure it out because their up there in age. Kobe wants that 6th ring and Nash wants his first. To me i still think they need another back up point because Steve blake isn't that guy to me. They will need some more shooters because Gasol and Bynum doesn't stretch the floor enough for Nash to be at his best, the clog the paint. If u have shooters who will stretch the floor and can't just stand in the paint. OKC is still the best team in the West no doubt but the Lakers is defiantly a better and it will be fun to watch!

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